A competition is conducted each year by the RSL Youth Council to find the pre-eminent RSL Youth Club in the State and is considered by Youth Council to be the most prestigious event of the year.
The shield was donated by the late Mrs H.Tinkler MBE, to perpetuate the memory of her husband who was the founder of the NSW RSL Youth Movement.
Frederick Usher John Tinkler was born in 1893. His service to his country druring World War One was carried out with distinction servimg with the 1st Infantry Battalion AIF from 1914-1919 in Egypt, Sinai, ANZAC (landings) France and Belgium. During World War II he was on the General Staff (Signalling) AIF Australia 1939-1945. He joined the RSL Movement in 1919 and was instrumental in making the RSL what it is today, in particular, his work with the youth of the country. It is considered this example of dedication, should inspire the youth of today to greater endeavours.
For more details on Frederick Usher John Tinkler click here